The entrepeneuring is fashionable and our professional sector has not been subtracted to this new trend of business creation.


In a period of economic crisis like the present, transforming an idea into a business project can be the best option for the entrepreneur to be cosnciente however the numerous bureaucratic and funding difficulties that entails.


Unfortunately and despite recent institutional efforts to promote entrepreneurship, our country is not characterized by a business culture that encourages professionals to put their career plans on their own. An example: Spain has the dubious honor of being ranked number 133 on 183 in ease of starting a business... And yet, despite the enormous risks that brings the number of people who have started a business during the first 6 months of 2014 has increased by 12,18%, assuming about 33% of the national labor market.


In the spanish food sector, preferably composed of SMEs, the challenge today is to go from being competitive in price to be competitive for quality differentiation. This obviously implies a differentiation in R+D i of the new organizations to convey the value of the brand through to get the message optimally to the final consumer. In addition, the future lies in the export and internationalization of companies, both in product and service, so that the productive dynamism and proactivity commercial imposed against stagnant traditional business models, rendered obsolete in a globalized market.


Moreover, the process of entrepreneurship should be directed to the detection of market needs, investing in the development and launch of new products and services to satisfy and retain a much more demanding and knowledgeable consumers. Entrepreneurship is innovation, because there are many areas of the food industry in which new activities, some of which can be developed are still undiscovered...


In this regard, the Basque Culinary Center, together with the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences of Mondragon University, developed an initiative that opens an asset to all entrepreneurs in food and cooking space. This is the start of an annual forum aimed at culinary venture, aimed at everyone who has any business concern in the field is able to develop with the advice and assistance from entrepreneurs around the world who have come long gone. The forum gives the keys for the tools to launch a new idea or business model and its success, and identify trends and new business opportunities.


The sponsorship also provides the financial basis on which many new entrepreneurs decide to create their organizations. For example, Nau of Innovation at the University Miguel Hernandez of Elche has created ProEmprendedores Fund which, after a few meetings in the manner of presentation speed-datings, new entrepreneurs have the opportunity to present their business ideas to potential investors. Aid of up to 30,000 euros, will be returned to the Fund within a period of up to 5 years without interest. Besides the contributions from investors, the UMH has injected 60,000 euros.


There are also numerous non-profit organizations willing to accompany and guide the entrepreneur in his early hard business. The Secot (Spanish seniors for the Technical Cooperation) organization is composed of experienced entrepreneurs and professionals and retirees, willing to make available to the new project all his experience as business advisors to entrepreneurs, SMEs and NGOs, absolutely altruistic and levels enviable success.


Still, it is usual that new ventures arise in very creative and professionally collaborative environments. The rise of co-working spaces in Spain is having one of the world's highest growth with sectoral the clusters and Business Centers. One example is the Food Cluster of Galicia (Galicia Food & Drink) in which numerous companies of all sizes, technology centers and the University join forces and knowledge to bet collectively by the food industry in Galicia.


Finally, we emphasize the importance of processes for creating disruptive new business ideas related to the food sector. Spanish entrepreneurs as young Muuglu detected a necessity in making pastries for various specific types of food intolerances, developing a unique product that can be consumed by any type of allergy. The brand of coffee for the foodservice channel Blackzi, competes against his long commitment to quality competition of good Italian roast and giving large profit margins to distributors and marketers. Agrasys appears by a consumer demand Tritordeum, an excellent organoleptic virtues cereal aimed at gourmet channel and developed using advanced breeding techniques and biotechnology. Cryosalus has created what they call the "hibernated fruit", patenting a cryogenic system that can extend the life of food for more than two years.


As we seen, the many bureaucratic and financial difficulties that entrepreneurs in its infancy, are corrected with the media and institutional and professional support that is available today. New social trends and market swings open business opportunities. With the right strategy and a good business plan can materialize into successful projects. Small businesses and professionals, using imagination, innovation, new technologies and advancement in social networks can be exported to all over the world or create large industrial corporations. The future is always open for those willing to take risks and create wealth.




  • Entrepreneurship Culture: http://www.gerencie.com/cultura-del-emprendimiento.html
  • Entrepreneurs Web of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports: http://www.mcu.es/emprendedores/Inicio.html
  • Emprendedores Magazine: http://www.emprendedores.es/
  • Todoemprende Spain Government Web: http://www.todoemprende.es
  • Basque Culinary Center: http://www.bculinary.com
  • Nau de la Innovació: http://www.naudelainnovacio.com/
  • Secot: http://www.secot.org/ 
  • Galicia Food&Drink: http://www.clusteralimentariodegalicia.org
  • Muuglu: http://www.muuglu.com
  • Blackzi: http://blackzi.pro/
  • Agrasys: http://www.agrasys.es
  • Cryosalus: http://www.cryosalus.com



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