Organic farming, also called organic or biological, experienced significant growth due to increased demand in developed countries and their special production characteristics.


It is a system to cultivate a farm based on the optimization of resources without using synthetic chemicals or GMOs, achieving organic foods, preserving the fertility of the land and respecting the environment. All this in a sustainable and balanced manner.


Biodynamic farming, permaculture, natural farming, subsistence agriculture ... are types of natural farming seeking balance with the ecosystem. It is sustainable systems that have been maintained over time in different world regions seeking to satisfy the demand for natural and nutritious food to people and animals, so the agro-ecosystem to maintain balance.


The objectives of organic farming are obtaining healthy foods, higher quality nutritious without the presence of substances of chemical synthesis, obtained through sustainable methods. It is a production model that provides a global system of production management, which increases and enhances the health of ecosystems, cycles and soil biological activity. This is achieved by using, where possible, agronomic, biological and mechanical methods.


The form of production, in addition to providing ecological aspect, includes in its philosophy improving the living conditions of populations practitioners, so that your target adheres to comprehensive sustainability of agricultural production system; that is, constituted as an agro-system social, ecological and economically sustainable.


In Spain, the regulation of this activity model was established in 1989, Regulation of the Generic Name "Farming" apply until the entry into force of Community legislation (EEC) 2092/91 on production are approved organic farming and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs.


From 1 January 2009 organic production is regulated by Regulation (EC) 834/2007, applicable on production and labeling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 and R by Regulations (EC) 889/2008 of the European Commission.


Furthermore, and also in Spain, control and certification of organic farming is the responsibility of the Autonomous Communities and is held by public authorities control through territorial Tips Organic Farming, which are dependent agencies of the respective Ministries or Departments Agriculture, or directly by DGs attached to them.


Our country is eligible for the development of this type of agriculture for its favorable climate and extensive production systems applied in a number of crops. Care acquis seeds of native species is fully compatible with the development of the latest breeding techniques in order to optimize the productive capacities of intensive farming.


Furthermore, and in regard to animal production, conservation of an important genetic heritage of indigenous breeds of hardiness and adapted to the environment, supports their breeding and production in extensive. All this, considering the tradition and development achieved by the beekeeping technique has resulted in high quality products for the abundance and variety of existing bee flora in Spain.


The national trend in acreage devoted to the OF has continued to increase since 1991, to the 1,610,619 hectares in 2014. State aid, boosted by the support of the EU agricultural policy to ensure food security in a context of climate change and to promote sustainable and balanced development of all rural areas in Europe, are the main vectors of development of the agricultural mode.


Moreover, it is a model that fully meets the needs of citizens in terms of supply, price, variety, quality and food safety, coupled with environmental protection and to ensure farmers a reasonable standard of living preserving the environment and rural communities.


Organic farming is protected in the EU through concrete and rigorous requirements of legislation and rules on labeling and traceability of organic products, whatever their origin. The EU has also created a special logo for products that meet the standards for organic production. To use it, farmers and manufacturers of these products must undergo a stringent certification process.


Through its rural development programs, the EU can offer specific support to those who want to spend traditional farmers to organic production. This option is in force since 2013, with specific support for organic farming to convert intensive farms in organic farming and to maintain this type of production.


As we see, it is a productive uptrend and enormous potential in developed countries, not only by the growing consumer demand for natural products; also for the needs of middle-environmental protection of productive environments and the need for a progressive sustainability of agro-biological systems.


However, the overall development of the OF also presents numerous barriers to growth that must be cited. First, the decline in its capacities as farms Intensive, allowing a much higher productivity, resulting in lower costs of consumer products, compared to a global food demand exponentially increasing rate.


In addition, recent advances in synthesis of genetically modified species and all guarantees of Food Safety, are already achieving full competitiveness without sensory loss or food quality, even in sustainability and reducing water footprints and carbon production or optimizing soil fertility medium and long-term processes.

In any case and as the final balance should be noted that, despite the growing demand for food, the progressive need for alternatives based on environmental and economic sustainability of agro-ecosystems, must be converted to OF in one of the priority development objectives for food sector. Not only because it is a market trend; It is, above all, the only guarantee of future agri-food sector.





  • Organic Farming in Spain:
  • Statistics of OF in Spain:     



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