The right strategy in asset management and ensure efficient maintenance and extend the life of machinery energy consumption are key to optimizing our business processes.


The figure of the Process Engineer is therefore of paramount importance to improve the activity of organizations in the food sector. Their functions range from resource management and food processing through its planning, implementation and evaluation; the design and development of products and processes through research methodologies and techniques economy of scale; and management, supervision and control of the processes implemented continuously. In all cases, the process engineer must work integrated into the business management team, as their skills will take you to organize almost all production processes developed by the company.


So, the fields of action on which action can be taken to an optimization of the production processes, often organized under three general the following strategic areas:

  • Corporate Strategy: Determining planning in R + D + i and especially the corporate strategy of the company, aligning their perceived identity and image by their stakeholders with marketing their products and services.
  • Productive Strategy: Considering the material, human and financial resources with practices and organizational needs of the company, in addition to the monitoring and improvement of production goals.
  • Time Management: Developing a plan and marketing costs, including aspects related to inventory storage operations, logistics and marketing, products and services offered to ensure the profitability of the company.


The process engineer, given their training, should be involved with the company in various ancillary areas such as:

- The design and adaptation process of conservation and food processing. - Planning processes related to the food chain from production to consumption. - Attention to the technical and administrative aspects. - The design and development of new products and / or food services. - Product improvement in content and presentation, low quality criteria.

- The design, establishment, improvement, expansion and start-up food processing plants . - Participate in the development of traceability systems and compliance with quality standards and food safety on food products offered by the company. - Work on reducing the use of hazardous substances and processes that generate pollution within the industry . - Collaborate with the social sector to integrate SMEs and small producers, trying to adapt traditional processes of storage and processing of foods own natural resources.


As noted, the process engineering encompasses implies multiple inter-related fields transversely, allowing full control of the company on areas linked to their proper industrial processes such as the development and implementation of new technologies and products, control quality and fault prevention techniques and monitoring of regulations on food safety. In addition, there are many specializations within its jurisdiction: food analysis, food enzymology, microbiology, bioengineering, food toxicology, packaging, etc.

The Process Engineer is therefore absolutely necessary professional equipment integrated into the management of our companies. Their knowledge and skills depends directly productive success and profitability of our businesses.




  • Optimizing efficiency in the sector of food production:
  • Food Science and Technology:
  • Official Studies, Grade in Food Engineering:



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